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How To Keep Your Lawn In Tip-Top Condition All Year Long?

Did you know that the average homeowner spends almost 5 hours a week on green lawn care

Yes, you heard us right! And the good part is the lawn pays back for all that hard work. It releases a tremendous amount of fresh, crisp air and captures dirt and dust to keep your loved ones healthy.

But there’s another good news – the best landscaping company in Rochester says you don’t have to slave over your lawn that hard to keep it healthy. You only need to do the right work at the right time

Want to know what’s the “right work for lawns”? Scroll down!

4 Green Lawn Care Ingredients To A Healthy, Lush Lawn

Tip 1 – Adjust The Grass Cutting Height To The Time Of The Year

The best grass-cutting height depends on the grass type, the region, and the time of the year. 

For cool-season grass, use a 1-1/2 inch cutting height for the first mowing of the year. Gradually, raise the grass blades to 2 inches or more as the summer hits. For the last cutting of the year, lower it back to 1-1/2 inches. 

In the case of warm-season grass, the heights will be ½ inch lower.

Tip 2 – A Few Good Soakings Will Do Much Good Than Many Light Soakings

Deep soaking/watering develops deeper and healthier roots. In contrast, light sprinklings nourish only the grass and surface of the soil. As a result, the root growth becomes shallow and demands more frequent watering.

Lawns usually require 1-2 inches of watering per week from you or Mother Nature. This should be done at 3 to 4 days intervals. But this varies as per the temperature, grass type, and soil condition.

For sandy soil, watering your lawn twice the regular times is needed. And for slow-draining soils, the lawn care services in Rochester cut down the regular watering schedule to half.

Tip 3 – Timing Is Everything In Fertilization And Weeding

Weeding – Different weeds require different methods. For grassy weeds, it’s best to eradicate them with pre-emergent weed killers that destroy germinating weeds as they sprout. 

In the case of broadleaf weeds, they must be attacked while they’re young and growing actively. Spraying the leaves of individual plants or patches of plants works best here. 

Fertilization – 

  • To jump-start, the root development, fertilize your lawns in early spring. 
  • Fall feedings repair the summer damage and spur root growth that continues for several weeks even after top growth stops. This helps the grass to survive through winter. 
  • Light feedings in between accelerate healthy growth.

Tip 4 – Aerate Lawns To Help It Breathe

Grassroots need oxygen, water, and nutrients to thrive and aeration is the way to give it all. 

  • Aerating the soil boosts the air to soil interaction. 
  • It helps water and fertilizer to deeply and easily penetrate into the soil. 
  • Also, it gives ample space for the roots to grow healthily.

Again, aerating at the right time is crucial. Fall is usually the most optimal time for it. The professional landscaping and maintenance in Rochester companies aerate the lawns first before moving on to weddings.

Put The Tips To Best Practice With Gorski Landscaping

Now that you have all the secrets to a thriving lawn, it’s time to call our expert landscapers. We’re the trusted professionals for giving the right care to lawns at the right times.

Ping us today at 716-380-0680 to book a year-long appointment with us!

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